Zymo Research는 1994년도에 설립된 미국 회사로 고품질 키트 제조회사 입니다.
각종 샘플(세포, 조직, 환경샘플 등)로부터 고품질
DNA나 RNA를 가장 쉽고 빠르게 뽑을 수 있습니다.
이 외에도, 각종 Epigenetics 관련 제품들
(DNA Methylation kit 등)과 Microbiomics
(샘플 채집부터 분석까지의 전 단계의 제품)
연관 제품들이 준비되어 있습니다.
Hygienic, sterile, disposable, comfortable (used in the physiological position)
Easy to use and safe device for patients
Increased infection control whilst minimizing specimen contamination.
Zymo Research 제품 담당자
H.P) 010-8832-6303
HanHyung Seo
Zymo Research Brand Manager
Kyongshin scientific Co., Ltd.
Sales Department
H.P) 82)10-8832-6303
Hygienic, sterile, disposable, comfortable (used in the physiological position)
Easy to use and safe device for patients
Increased infection control whilst minimizing specimen contamination.
The ColOff® device, a stool collection facilitator device, is a plastic sleeve for the toilet seat used for tests which use stool as the sample source. ColOff® is a disposable device that facilitates the stool collection in a physiological position (sitting on the toilet seat).
Oxo-Biodegradable Plastic Film (HDPE). Inert and Non-toxic.
5 pack. Single use only.
Gamma irradiation. Sterile unless opened or damaged.