Q1: Is DNase I available for individual purchase?
Yes, the catalog number for the DNase I set (DNase and DNA Digestion Buffer) that we offer is E1010.
Q2: Is the DNase-I treatment necessary?
If the downstream application requires DNA-free RNA, we recommend performing the DNase I treatment.
Q3: Is it possible to extract proteins with the Quick-RNA kit?
Yes, proteins can be acetone precipitated from the column flowthrough. Please request supplementary protocol from Zymo Research Technical Support.
Q4: How to store DNase-I following resuspension?
Lyophilized DNase I is stable at room temperature. Once resuspended, store frozen aliquots. Minimize freeze thaw cycles as much as possible. Freeze thaw will lower DNase activity.
Q5: Will the kit isolate small RNAs?
Yes, this kit will isolate small/micro RNA’s ≥ 17 nucleotides.
Q6: Can samples be stored in RNA Lysis Buffer prior to processing?
Yes, samples in RNA Lysis Buffer are stable overnight at room temperature and can be stored frozen (-80C). Be sure to lyse and homogenize the sample well prior to freezing. Bring the sample to room temperature prior to RNA Purification.
Q7: What is the difference between the Direct-zol RNA and Quick-RNA kits?
Direct-zol is for samples stored/collected into TRIzol/similar reagents. Quick-RNA is for all other samples.
Q8: What is the difference between the Quick-RNA Miniprep and the Quick-RNA Miniprep Plus?
Use the Quick-RNA Miniprep for cells and soft tissues. The “Plus” kit accommodates all sample types (cells, tissue, blood) and comes with DNA/RNA Shield (sample collection, transport, storage at ambient temperature).
Q9: I ran out of RNA Wash Buffer. Can I use something else?
Yes. Use 80% ethanol as a substitute. RNA Wash Buffer is also sold separately.