Zymo Research는 1994년도에 설립된 미국 회사로 고품질 키트 제조회사 입니다.
각종 샘플(세포, 조직, 환경샘플 등)로부터 고품질
DNA나 RNA를 가장 쉽고 빠르게 뽑을 수 있습니다.
이 외에도, 각종 Epigenetics 관련 제품들
(DNA Methylation kit 등)과 Microbiomics
(샘플 채집부터 분석까지의 전 단계의 제품)
연관 제품들이 준비되어 있습니다.
Clean and concentrate up to 5 μg DNA (per well) with ≥ 10 μl elution volume in as little as 15 minutes with 0 μl wash residue carryover.
Deep-well filtration plate designs allow DNA to be eluted at high concentrations into minimal volumes of water or TE buffer.
서한형 대리
Zymo Research 제품 담당자
H.P) 010-8832-6303
HanHyung Seo
Zymo Research Brand Manager
Kyongshin scientific Co., Ltd.
Sales Department
H.P) 82)10-8832-6303
Clean and concentrate up to 5 μg DNA (per well) with ≥ 10 μl elution volume in as little as 15 minutes with 0 μl wash residue carryover.
Deep-well filtration plate designs allow DNA to be eluted at high concentrations into minimal volumes of water or TE buffer.
The ZR-96 DNA Clean & Concentrator-5 Kit is a 96 well PCR purification kit that provides rapid, large-scale (96-well) purification and concentration of high-quality DNA from PCR samples, endonuclease digestions, or crude plasmid preparations. Simply add the specially formulated DNA Binding Buffer to your samples and transfer to the wells of the supplied Silicon-A Plate. There is no need for organic denaturants or chloroform. Instead, this 96 well PCR purification kit features Zymo-Spin plate technology to yield high-quality, purified DNA in just minutes.