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Quick-DNA/RNA™ Water Kit
Robust Total DNA/RNA Recovery: Concentrate and purify total DNA/RNA from large volume water samples including viral, pathogen, microbial & free nucleic acids.

Superior Inhibitor Removal: Innovative inhibitor removal technology that yields DNA/RNA from the toughest water samples including raw wastewater, sludge, etc.

Analytic Compatibility: Eluted DNA/RNA is ready for any sensitive downstream applications including ddPCR, RT-qPCR, NGS, etc.
서한형 대리

Zymo Research 제품 담당자



H.P) 010-8832-6303

HanHyung Seo

Zymo Research Brand Manager

Kyongshin scientific Co., Ltd.

Sales Department

H.P) 82)10-8832-6303



  • Robust Total DNA/RNA Recovery: Concentrate and purify total DNA/RNA from large volume water samples including viral, pathogen, microbial & free nucleic acids.
  • Superior Inhibitor Removal: Innovative inhibitor removal technology that yields DNA/RNA from the toughest water samples including raw wastewater, sludge, etc.
  • Analytic Compatibility: Eluted DNA/RNA is ready for any sensitive downstream applications including ddPCR, RT-qPCR, NGS, etc.

The Quick-DNA/RNA™ Water Kit provides inhibitor-free nucleic acid isolation from large volume water samples. Up to 50 mL of raw wastewater or 1 L of low-biomass water samples can be processed in a single preparation. The kit features a specialized Wastewater Stabilization Buffer that concentrates viruses, microbes, and free nucleic acids, eliminating the need for vacuum filtration. With cutting-edge inhibitor removal technology, the Quick-DNA/RNA™ Water Kit ensures robust recovery and purification of DNA/RNA, making it ideal for sensitive downstream applications such as ddPCR, RT-qPCR, and NGS.

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Sample SourcesWater, wastewater, sewage, sludge, finished water, natural water, river water, fresh water, salt water, etc.
Sample Size• Up to 1 L low biomass liquid samples
• Up to 50 mL raw wastewater sample
DNA/RNA PurityHigh quality, inhibitor-free DNA/RNA (A260/A280 > 1.8, A260/A230 > 1.8) suitable for all downstream applications including NGS, qPCR, ddPCR, RT-qPCR, and RT-ddPCR.
YieldUp to 25 µg DNA or 100 µg RNA eluted into ≥ 50 µl
DNA/RNA StorageDNA and/or RNA is eluted with Inhibitor Removal Elution Buffer and can be stored at ≤ -70°C.
Equipment Needed (user provided)Microcentrifuge, vortex, floor model centrifuge capable of spinning 50 ml conical tubes, magnetic stand1, and rotator capable of at least 30 rpm.

Q1: Can I use this kit with filters or other concentrated water samples?

Yes. This kit can be used to extract DNA/RNA from water filters, molecular cut off filters, wastewater solids, sludge, and other concentrated water sample sources. See Section I: Sample Preparation of the instruction manual for specific processing instructions.

Q2: What equipment is required to perform this protocol?

Microcentrifuge, vortex, floor model centrifuge capable of spinning 50 ml conical tubes, magnetic stand, and rotator capable of at least 30 rpm.

Q3: Can I perform a DNase treatment to recover only RNA?

Yes. An optional DNase treatment can be performed during Section III: DNA/RNA Purification. Detailed instructions are provided in the appendices of the instruction manual.


CAT.No 품명 규격 비고
R2044 Quick-DNA/RNA™ Water Kit 50 preps